How to Use Hashtags

With more than 800 million active users on Instagram, it’s essential that your business is taking advantage of the platform. I’ve worked with many brands over the last few years, and more than ever, my clients are requesting to put an emphasis on Instagram over other platforms. But posting photos with basic captions isn’t going to cut it. It’s important to be mindful of each and every post, but more specifically, the hashtags you are using to get your content noticed.

Instagram’s algorithm is constantly changing in an effort to show you the most engaging content. Hashtags are a must. They’re one of the most effective ways to leverage your posts and boost the organic reach. They also help organize content and drive awareness to marketing campaigns. After coming up with high-quality content and effective copy, the next step is to identify which hashtags will give your brand a boost.

1. Do Some Research. 

Start this process right in the Instagram app. Go ahead, grab your phone now while you read this. Tap the instagram icon and then hit the magnifying glass icon at the bottom left of your screen, between the home and + icons. In the search bar at the very top, look up some keywords that are specific to your niche, making sure to click the “Tags” section for results. For example, if you’re a restaurant owner, you may want to start with #food. Seems simple right? There’s more. You’ll see results for both your search and for similar hashtags. The goal here is to really hone in on your target audience. While searching for #food is fine, you’ll get tons of posts with that hashtag which isn’t too helpful. Why not? Because it makes it difficult for you to stand out. To really get specific, search for something like #italianfood or #burgers, depending on what your business or service entails. Like following an Instagram user, you can also follow a specific hashtag: just search for it and click “follow” and the posts will start appearing in your feed.

2. Add Hashtags to Your Bio. 

Most people aren’t aware that including a hashtag in your bio makes it a live link leading to a hashtag page. To do this, head to your page (click your avatar in the lower right corner), then tap “Edit Profile.” In the bio section, list any preferred hashtags. Though this doesn’t make your profile searchable within those hashtags, there is a clear benefit to adding them here. If you regularly use a branded hashtag (for example, @BostonBurger_Co uses #bostonburgerco), a user will be able to click that hashtag and see all posts that use it. Having your own branded hashtag allows people to mark their own posts, signifying its relation to your brand, but also allows followers to search through those posts. In other words, if someone comes to your profile for the first time and wants to see what your brand is all about, they might click on your brand specific hashtag to see what others are sharing.

3. Encourage Fans to Use Your Hashtag.

More often than not, fans of your business want to share the experiences they have with you. It’s no secret that social media users tend to overshare. As a business owner, that should excite you. The more people are sharing your brand, the more exposure you get. For free. Why not give them a specific hashtag that represents your brand and collectively groups all related content together? Let’s go back to Boston Burger Company‘s hashtag #bostonburgerco. Because the brand includes this hashtag on all marketing material, including each and every single post they share, fans begin recognizing that this is the way to get their post included in the mix of, well, what’s important to be seen. Trust me when I say that if you’ve got a fan and they know there’s a chance of you seeing their post and liking it (or better yet, reposting it!), they’re going to use your branded hashtag. Not only are fans basically giving you content — again, for free — they’re creating a whole portfolio for your company that other users can see.