
Sharpen Your Skills: 35 Copywriting Exercises for Beginners

When I decided that I wanted to become a great copywriter, I knew it would be a good idea to research online courses, read classic copywriting books, and find the best copywriting exercises out there. Although I’ve done plenty of writing in my career, I realized that to become a great writer and attract potential customers, I’d have to research different ways to approach the writing process.

What are the best ways to hone this craft? Look no further than copywriting practice and creative exercises. Many business owners like myself struggle with crafting good copy, often getting stuck staring at a blank page, paralyzed by writer’s block. Although AI copywriting tools can be beneficial, consistent practice and creative exploration were crucial for me to become a better copywriter.

Sharpen Your Skills: 35 Copywriting Exercises for Beginners4

Why Practice Copywriting?

Think of copywriting skills as the muscles of your writing game. The more you practice writing copy, the stronger and more refined it becomes. This translates into the ability to craft compelling pieces across the spectrum, from ad copy that grabs attention to sales pages that convert clicks into sales. It enables you to understand your target audience’s needs and pain points, speak their language, and resonate with their desires.

Embracing the Playground of Creativity:

Before diving into specific copywriting exercises, let’s address the fundamental mindset for cultivating creativity.

  • Curiosity is King: Approach every project with a childlike curiosity. Question assumptions, delve deeper into the subject matter, and constantly seek new connections.
  • Embrace Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to break the mold and try new things. Experiment with different writing styles, incorporate unconventional elements and see where the journey takes you.
  • Challenge Yourself: Step outside your comfort zone. Set ambitious goals, participate in creative challenges, and push yourself to achieve new heights of expression.
  • Embrace the Power of Observation: Pay attention to everything around you. People watch in cafes, observe interactions on social media, and analyze the language used in everyday conversations.
  • Build a Creative Network: Surround yourself with other creative individuals, collaborate on projects, and exchange ideas to foster a stimulating environment.

Sharpen Your Skills: 35 Copywriting Exercises for Beginners4

The Best Copywriting Exercises:

These activities are not just about sharpening your skills but also a great way to have fun and spark your creative juices. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new copywriter just starting, there’s something for everyone.

  1. Morning Pages: Start your day with a brain dump. Set aside 10-15 minutes each morning to write stream-of-consciousness pages. Don’t worry about grammar or coherence. Let your thoughts flow freely onto the paper. This exercise helps clear mental clutter and sparks new ideas.

  2. Word Association Games: Challenge yourself with word association games. Choose a random word and jot down as many associations as possible. This expands your vocabulary and helps make unexpected connections – an essential aspect of creative thinking.

  3. Visual Prompts: Stimulate your creativity with visual prompts. Browse through magazines, art, or even stock photo websites. Select an image that resonates with you and build a story around it. Visual prompts provide a different starting point and ignite imaginative thinking.

  4. Random Input Technique: Embrace randomness. Pick a book, open it to a random page, and select a sentence. Incorporate that sentence into your copy, ensuring it fits seamlessly. This technique forces you out of your comfort zone and encourages adaptability.

  5. Role Reversal: Step into your audience’s shoes. Imagine yourself as the reader and assess your copy from their perspective. What would resonate with you? What might be confusing? This exercise enhances empathy and refines your ability to tailor content to your audience.

  6. Five Whys: Adopt the “Five Whys” technique. When faced with a problem or a creative block, ask “why” five times. This drill helps identify the root cause of issues and generates deeper insights into your copywriting challenges.

  7. Collaborative Brainstorming: Two heads are better than one. Collaborate with fellow copywriters or creative minds. Host brainstorming sessions where ideas flow freely. The diversity of thought often sparks innovative solutions and unexplored angles.

  8. Copywriting Prompts: Challenge yourself with copywriting prompts. Set a timer for 10 minutes and respond to a prompt. This exercise hones your ability to think on your feet and generates raw, unfiltered content.

  9. Mind Mapping: Visualize your thoughts with mind maps. Create a central idea and branch out with related concepts. This technique provides a holistic view of your copy, aiding in identifying potential gaps or areas for improvement.

  10. Story Cubes: Invest in story cubes – dice with images. Roll the dice and use the images as prompts to build a story or concept. This playful approach introduces an element of surprise and spontaneity to your creative process.

  11. Observe, Absorb, Emulate: Immerse yourself in diverse content. Read books, articles, and advertisements from various genres. Observe styles, absorb techniques, and experiment with emulating different voices. This practice expands your toolkit and enriches your writing style.

  12. Reverse Engineering: Select a piece of copy that resonates with you. Break it down. Examine the structure, word choice, and tone. By reverse engineering successful copy, you gain insights into practical strategies and refine your analytical skills. The Headline Hero: A great headline is the first impression, the hook that draws readers in. Start by collecting famous ads and dissecting their headlines. What makes them effective? Can you rewrite them using fewer words or with a different hook? Try crafting new headlines for your favorite blog posts or even your grocery list.
  13. Headline Remix: Choose an existing headline from any source (news articles, advertisements, even song titles) and rewrite it using different verbs, adjectives, or a new perspective. This exercise helps with brainstorming and finding fresh ways to express familiar ideas.
  14. Headline Hijack: Take an existing, successful headline and write a blog post or advertisement that subverts the original message or offers a different perspective. This encourages a playful approach to established formats and helps you develop your comedic or sarcastic style.
  15. Metaphor Mania: Pick a mundane object and craft a series of metaphors based on its properties. This forces you to think creatively and identify unexpected connections that can be used in your copy.
  16. Microfiction Frenzy: Set a five-minute timer and write a short story (under 100 words) based on your chosen random keyword. This exercise helps with brevity, storytelling, and thinking outside the box.
  17. Subject Line Savvy: The subject line is another crucial element, especially in email marketing. Challenge yourself to write compelling subject lines for different audiences. How can you pique their curiosity and entice them to open the email?
  18. The Power of Social Media: Social media platforms are a great place to experiment with different writing styles. Pick a famous brand and rewrite one of their social media posts in your voice. This allows you to analyze their approach and infuse your unique personality into the writing.
  19. The Mastermind Method: Join a writing group or create your own with friends or colleagues. Sharing your work and receiving constructive criticism is an invaluable way to learn and grow. Brainstorm new ideas, experiment with different styles, and push each other to reach new heights in your writing.
  20. The Storyteller’s Challenge: Choose an object, a picture, or a random word. Write a short story in just five minutes, incorporating the chosen element. This hones your ability to be concise, tell a compelling story, and think outside the box.
  21. The Borrower’s Approach: Find a piece of long copy that resonates with you, whether a sales page or a compelling blog post. Analyze its structure, identify the key elements contributing to its effectiveness, and then create a new copy inspired by your findings. This helps you understand the anatomy of successful copy and translate those lessons into your work.
  22. The Power of Observation: Become an observer of the world around you. People watch in cafes, eavesdrop on conversations (with appropriate discretion, of course!), and pay attention to the language used in everyday life. This exposure to diverse communication styles enriches your vocabulary and fuels your creativity well with a constant stream of inspiration.
  23. Sight Symphony: Describe a specific object or scene in detail, focusing on engaging all five senses. This exercise helps you paint vivid pictures with words and evoke emotional responses in your audience.
  24. Sound Scavenger Hunt: Go on a five-minute “sound walk” and write down all the sounds you hear, describing them in detail. This helps with onomatopoeia, sensory information, and drawing the reader into your world.
  25. Emotional Evocation: Choose an emotion (joy, anger, sadness, etc.) and write a short copy that evokes that emotion in the reader without explicitly naming it. This trains you in understanding human emotions and using language to evoke them.
  26. Artful Inspiration: Visit a museum or art gallery, choose a piece that resonates with you, and write a short copy based on your interpretation, emotions, or story derived from the artwork.
  27. Musical Muse: Listen to a song from a genre you rarely explore and use it as inspiration for a creative writing piece. This exercise helps you find new connections between seemingly disparate sources.
  28. Object Odyssey: Pick an unusual object from your surroundings and write a story or description from its perspective. This encourages you to see things from different viewpoints and think creatively.
  29. Paraphrase Pro: Choose a piece of existing copy (e.g., product description, blog post) and rewrite it in your voice, maintaining the core message but using different vocabulary and structure. This hones your paraphrasing skills and helps you develop your unique voice.
  30. Reverse Engineering: Analyze a successful piece of copy and identify the key elements contributing to its effectiveness. Dissect the structure, word choice, and emotional tone, and then create a new copy inspired by your findings.
  31. Freewriting Frenzy: Set a ten-minute timer each day and write continuously without stopping, editing, or judging yourself. This helps overcome writer’s block, unlock a flow of ideas, and free yourself from the pressure of perfection.
  32. Brainstorming Bonanza: Dedicate 15 minutes daily to brainstorming ideas on specific topics related to your current projects or general copywriting themes. Use mind maps, random word prompts, or collaborative brainstorming sessions with other writers to generate a wealth of possibilities.
  33. Reading Rainbow: Engage with diverse writing styles to expand your creative horizons constantly. Read fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and even advertising materials. This exposes you to different approaches to language and storytelling, enriching your vocabulary and sparking new ideas.
  34. Consume Creativity: Immerse yourself in creative content outside of writing. Watch movies, listen to podcasts, explore art museums, or attend workshops. This broadens your perspective and exposes you to diverse forms of expression, potentially sparking new ideas for your copywriting endeavors.
  35. Embrace the Power of Play: Don’t take yourself too seriously. Engage in playful activities like word games, improv exercises, or drawing prompts. This playful approach can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and help you approach your writing with renewed enthusiasm.

Things to Remember:

  • Consistency is Key: The above practices will take a little time every single day. Despite having a busy schedule, it’s super important to regularly engage in these exercises and practices to maintain your creative flow. The more you train your creative muscles, the stronger they become.
  • Find Your Creative Rhythm: Discover what works best for you. Experiment with different exercises at different times of the day and find the routines that most effectively stimulate your creativity.
  • Embrace the Journey: Remember, creativity is a journey, not a destination. There will be times of struggle and moments of inspiration. Embrace both and learn from each experience to become a more well-rounded and innovative copywriter.

Remember, copywriting practice is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous journey of learning and improvement. Make time to practice daily, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Keep a digital swipe file of great copywriting examples to draw inspiration from. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different exercises and find what works best for you.

Digital Copywriter: Essential Marketing Skills to Become One

In today’s digital world, the power of words reigns supreme. Businesses, brands, and individuals alike rely on digital copywriting to connect with potential customers and achieve their marketing goals. But what exactly is digital copywriting, and what skills are needed to excel in this dynamic field?

What is Digital Copywriting? And What Does a Digital Copywriter Do?

Simply put, digital copywriting is the art of crafting written content specifically for online audiences on digital platforms. This encompasses a wide range of content, including:

  • Social media posts: Engaging captions, product descriptions, and ad copy used to capture attention and drive engagement on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms.
  • Blog posts: Informative and valuable articles that attract readers, establish brand expertise, and contribute to search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Landing pages: Persuasive web pages designed to convert visitors into leads or customers by prompting a specific action, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  • Product descriptions: Compelling narratives, detailed information, and concise copy that showcases the benefits and features of products on e-commerce websites.
  • Product Pages: Web pages written by copywriters to convey the value proposition and features of a product, enticing customers to purchase.
  • Email marketing: Engaging email sequences designed to nurture leads, promote products and services, and build brand loyalty.
  • Print Ads: Concise and persuasive messages that highlight a product’s benefits and grab attention to drive interest and potential purchase.

Skills Needed to Become a Successful Digital Copywriter:

  1. Excellent Writing Skills: This is the foundation of any successful copywriter. You need to be able to communicate clearly, concisely, and engagingly, tailoring your writing style to different online platforms and target audiences.
  2. SEO Knowledge: Understanding the principles of search engine optimization allows you to craft content that ranks well in search engine results, increasing organic traffic and attracting potential customers actively searching for relevant information.
  3. Content Marketing Expertise: A good digital copywriter understands the power of content marketing and can create valuable, informative, and engaging content that attracts and retains an audience, ultimately driving conversions.
  4. Understanding of the Digital Landscape: Familiarity with various digital platforms and the latest trends in online marketing is crucial to creating content that resonates with specific audiences and performs well across different channels.
  5. Persuasive Writing Skills: Not only should your writing be clear and engaging, but it should also be persuasive, subtly influencing potential customers to take a specific action, like purchasing or subscribing to a service.
  6. Social Media Savvy: In today’s digital landscape, social media plays a vital role in marketing efforts. Understanding social media copywriting best practices allows you to craft captions, posts, and ad copy that sparks engagement and drives traffic to your website or landing pages.
  7. Communication and Organizational Skills: As a digital copywriter, you’ll often collaborate with various stakeholders, including designers, marketers, and content creators. Strong communication and organizational skills are essential for managing projects, meeting deadlines, and ensuring effective content creation.
  8. Analytical Skills: Understanding your content’s performance allows you to refine your approach and continuously improve. Analyzing data and tracking key metrics like website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates is crucial in demonstrating the effectiveness of your work.
  9. Passion for Learning: The digital landscape constantly evolves, and successful digital copywriters are lifelong learners. Staying updated on the latest trends, tools, and best practices is essential for remaining competitive in the field.
  10. Creativity and Curiosity: A good digital copywriter doesn’t just churn out content; they use their creativity to develop engaging narratives, unique ideas, and compelling calls to action. Curiosity fuels their exploration of different writing styles and allows them to understand the needs and interests of their target audience.

Becoming a Digital Copywriter:

There’s no single path to becoming a digital copywriter. Many successful digital copywriters come from diverse backgrounds, and there are several ways to enter the field:

  • Formal education: Several universities and colleges offer degrees or certificates in content marketing or digital communication, which can provide a strong foundation in writing skills, marketing principles, and SEO knowledge.
  • Online courses and workshops: Numerous online resources offer courses, workshops, and certifications dedicated explicitly to digital copywriting. These can be a great way to gain specific skills and knowledge without the commitment of a formal degree program.
  • Experience as a content writer: Many digital copywriters transition from careers in traditional content writing. Demonstrating strong writing skills and a passion for digital content creation can be a valuable starting point.
  • Freelance work: Building a portfolio of freelance work is an excellent way to gain experience and showcase your skills to potential clients. Start by offering your services on online platforms or reaching out to small businesses in your community.

How Much Can a Copywriter Earn?

The earning potential of a digital copywriter can vary considerably depending on several factors, including experience, location, skillset, and chosen work model. An entry-level freelance copywriter might start at $20-$30 per hour, while seasoned professionals with years of experience and specialized skills can command fees upwards of $100 per hour or even more. Trust me from experience: a professional digital copywriter who produces high-quality content has the potential to earn a lot of money. Working with larger companies or agencies can offer higher hourly rates or fixed project fees. Additionally, some successful copywriters structure their income based on performance, earning a commission on leads generated or sales closed through their content. Ultimately, the earning potential in digital copywriting is directly tied to the value you bring to your clients or employers. By continuously honing your skills, demonstrating consistent results, and building a solid reputation, you can gain a competitive edge to unlock greater earning potential in this dynamic field.

The Future of Digital Copywriting: A Glimpse Forward

The future of digital copywriting promises exciting possibilities and ever-evolving skill sets. Here’s what we can expect:

  • Personalization: Digital copywriting will become increasingly personalized, leveraging data and analytics to tailor content to user preferences and behaviors, resulting in more relevant and engaging experiences.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration: While AI won’t replace the human touch, it will become a valuable collaborator, assisting with research, content brainstorming, and even generating initial drafts. This frees up digital copywriters to focus on the creative aspects like concept development and strategic direction.
  • Voice Search Optimization: As voice search technology advances, creating content optimized for voice assistants like Alexa and Siri will become increasingly important. Digital copywriters must understand natural language patterns and conversational writing styles to craft content that resonates with users searching for information using voice commands.
  • Rise of Emerging Technologies: New technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality will create new avenues for digital copywriting. The ability to craft engaging narratives and user experiences for these platforms will be invaluable for future digital copywriters.

Digital copywriting is an ever-evolving field that offers a dynamic and rewarding career path for anyone passionate about the power of words and the ever-expanding digital landscape. By honing your skills, embracing lifelong learning, and adapting to the ever-changing digital world, you can become a sought-after digital copywriter who helps businesses thrive online. Remember, it’s not just about writing content; it’s about crafting stories that captivate audiences, build connections, and ultimately drive results. Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey?

Inspirational Copywriting Quotes from the Best Copywriters

Words have the power to ignite emotions, drive action, and, ultimately, shape success in the world of business. For copywriters, wielding this power requires technical proficiency, a spark of inspiration, and a deep understanding of people. Thankfully, countless legendary wordsmiths have paved the way, leaving behind a treasure trove of best copywriting quotes designed to inspire and guide aspiring writers.

David Ogilvy Copywriting Quote

David Ogilvy, the legendary “father of advertising,” famously said, “The most powerful element in advertising is not the headline, but the truth. *” His words resonate deeply, reminding us that building trust with your audience is the biggest thing in copywriting. Flashy visuals and clever turns of phrase may grab attention, but genuine connection and transparency are the keys to unlocking long-term success.

Leo Burnett Copywriting Quote

Leo Burnett, another advertising titan, emphasized the importance of establishing a direct conversation with your target audience. He stated, “The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.” This quote underscores the power of using familiar words to connect with your audience and forge a connection based on shared understanding rather than relying solely on tricky words that might confuse or alienate you.

Robert Collier Copywriting Quote

Robert Collier, a master of salesmanship, highlighted the crucial role of a big idea in capturing attention. He stated, “One big reason why so much advertising fails is because it doesn’t have a big idea.” This idea acts as the foundation of your copy, guiding the message and ensuring it stands out in a sea of competing voices.

Eugene Schwartz Copywriting Quote

Eugene Schwartz, a pioneer in sales and marketing, emphasized the power of a clear picture. He said, “You can’t write good copy unless you have a clear picture of the person you’re writing to. You have to know their hopes, their fears, their desires.” Understanding your target audience and their specific needs surrounding a particular product is the first thing in effective copywriting. It allows you to tailor your message to resonate with their unique desires and fears.

Gary Halbert Copywriting Quote

Beyond these giants, countless other voices have enriched the tapestry of copywriting wisdom. Gary Halbert spoke to the power of social proof, stating, “One of the greatest selling forces in the world is the fear of being different and not belonging to the group.” Understanding the human desire for connection and acceptance can be a powerful tool for influencing decision-making.

Ernest Hemingway Copywriting Quote

Ernest Hemingway, renowned for his minimalist writing style, offers a valuable lesson for copywriters. He said, “Good writing is like an iceberg. Seven-eighths of it is underwater for every part that shows above.” This quote emphasizes the importance of editing and focusing on the one selling point that genuinely resonates with your audience, ensuring your message is clear and concise.

While these are but a few examples, the world of copywriting is filled with the best copywriting quotes and wisdom from icons like Claude Hopkins, Seth Godin, Ann Hadley, Joanna Wiebe, Shirley Polykoff, Jay Abraham, Howard Gossage, and Carline Anglade-Cole.

This collection of quotes should not be viewed as a set of rigid rules but rather as a combustible force to ignite your creative fire. The best way to use these insights is not to copy them verbatim but to understand the principles behind them and adapt them to your unique voice, target audience, and specific product or service.

Remember, the process of copywriting is an ongoing journey of experimentation, exploration, and refinement. As John Steinbeck stated, “Good writing is not like peeling an onion. It’s more like building a watch. Each part fits into the whole.” By incorporating these lessons and honing your copywriting skills, you can craft compelling copy that resonates with your audience and drives effective content marketing results.

A few additional points to consider:

  • Don’t be afraid to experiment and take risks. The first draft of your copy could be better, so be prepared to iterate and refine your message during the editing process.
  • Focus on good writing, not simply “selling.” People are drawn to genuine communication, not pompous words or empty promises.
  • Use your imagination and tell stories. Engaging narratives can capture the reader’s attention and build a deeper connection with your brand.
  • Always remember the reader’s perspective. What are the little touches that resonate with them? What good illustration can help them visualize the value you offer?
  • Edit ruthlessly. Eliminate vapid adjectives and easy words that do not contribute to the clarity and impact of your message.

The Best Tools and Software for Copywriting in 2024

I started my business in 2018 after years of writing a lifestyle blog. Since then, I’ve been immersed in the digital marketing world and have written various content, from blog posts, press releases, social media captions, ad copy, newsletters, and much more. And while I’ve thoroughly enjoyed honing my writing skills, there have been plenty of times I’ve experienced writer’s block. You’re not alone if you find it challenging to produce high-quality blog posts or marketing content consistently. 

The good news is that writers like myself use copywriting tools to streamline their workflow and boost content creation. Whether you’re a seasoned copywriter leading a marketing team or a small business owner juggling multiple hats, I’ve rounded up some powerful tools that will be a game-changer in your workflow. This guide explores a variety of software tools, both free and paid, catering to different specific needs.

The Best AI Copywriting Tools:

  • Google Gemini: Gemini utilizes machine learning to understand your needs and generate creative text formats, from short-form content like social media posts to long-form pieces, even assisting with ad copy and product descriptions. Think of it as an intelligent assistant that can help you brainstorm ideas, overcome writer’s block, and easily craft compelling content.
  • Jasper: A popular choice known for its diverse range of templates and “Boss Mode” for continuous content generation. It also integrates with other platforms and features an image generator, making it an all-around solution.
  • ChatGPT: This tool can help generate ideas, brainstorm content, and craft initial drafts for various formats, like social media posts, product descriptions, and even ad copy.
  • Known for its user-friendly interface and focus on short-form content creation, can help you generate social media posts, email marketing copy, and more.
  • Wordtune: This AI tool takes a different approach, focusing on rephrasing and rewriting existing content. It can help you improve clarity, conciseness, and overall flow, making it a valuable tool for editing and polishing your work.

Grammar and Spell Checkers: Ensure flawless grammar and plagiarism checks with tools like Grammarly and the Hemingway App.

  • Grammarly: A staple for writers of all levels, Grammarly offers comprehensive grammar and spell checking, along with suggestions for clarity and style. It also integrates with various platforms, making it convenient wherever you write.
  • Hemingway App: This free tool will help improve the readability of your writing by highlighting passive voice and complex sentences and suggesting simpler alternatives. It’s a great way to ensure your copy is clear and easy for your target audience to understand.

Headline Analyzers:

  • CoSchedule Headline Analyzer: This free tool scores headlines based on length, clarity, and emotional impact. It can help you craft headlines that grab attention and encourage clicks.
  • Sharethrough Headline Analyzer: Another free option, Sharethrough offers similar functionality to CoSchedule, providing insights and suggestions to improve your headline’s effectiveness.

A/B Testing Tools: 

  • Crazy Egg: This tool uses heatmaps and other visual data to help you understand how users interact with your web copy. You can identify which copy performs best by testing different versions and optimizing your conversion rates. All in all, this will help you achieve better results.
  • AdEspresso: Primarily focused on ad campaigns, AdEspresso allows you to A/B test different ad copy variations across various platforms. This can be valuable for testing headlines, calls to action, and other elements of your marketing copy.

Keyword Research: Optimize your content for search engines with tools like Surfer SEO or MarketMuse.

  • Surfer SEO: This tool helps you optimize your copy for search engines by analyzing your target keywords and providing suggestions for content structure and optimization.
  • MarketMuse: Similar to Surfer SEO, MarketMuse offers content optimization suggestions based on competitor analysis and industry best practices.

Finding the Best Fit: Consider These Key Features

When choosing copywriting software, consider factors like:

  • User-friendly interface: Easy to learn and navigate, even for beginners.
  • Specific needs: Look for features that align with your content creation goals, whether short-form or long-form content, social media content, or landing pages.
  • Advanced features: Explore options like unlimited words, custom use cases, and team member access, depending on your needs.
  • Pricing: Compare free tools, free trials, starter plans, and unlimited plans to find the best value for your budget.

Free Trial or Free Plan? Find Your Perfect Fit

Many platforms offer a free trial or free plan with limited features, allowing you to test the waters before committing. This is a great way to see if an ai writing assistant like Jasper AI or Copy AI aligns with your writing style and content needs.

AI Goes Beyond Blog Posts

While blog posts are a widespread use case, AI writing tools offer much more. These tools will help you generate compelling social media posts, captivating product descriptions, persuasive ad copy, and even full-fledged long-form content for your business plan.

Beyond AI: Essential Tools for Every Content Creator

It’s important to remember that AI writing tools are not a magic bullet. They can provide a valuable starting point and spark new ideas, but the human touch remains crucial for creating truly original content with a unique voice.

Empowering Content Creation with AI

You can significantly improve your content creation process by leveraging the right combination of AI writing tools and other software tools. From overcoming writer’s block to generating new ideas and boosting search engine rankings, these robust solutions can help you create high-quality content that resonates with your target audience and drives actual results.

Remember, the best tools for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Experiment with different options and find what works best for your workflow and writing style. Most tools offer free trials, so you can test them before committing. By leveraging the right tools and software, you can streamline your copywriting process, improve the quality of your content, and achieve better results in 2024 and beyond.

The Best Business and Digital Marketing Podcasts

I listen to a lot of podcasts. A lot. I listen to them in the shower, in the car, while working, when I’m cleaning, and even while I’m at the grocery store. Basically all the times that most people listen to music, I’m usually listening to a podcast. It’s the best way to soak up knowledge while doing tasks that don’t require much more of your brain power. If you’re not listening to podcasts, you’re seriously missing out. There is a podcast on every subject matter, but the list below is what I consider the best business and digital marketing podcasts out there.

Marketing School with Neil Patel & Eric Siu – These guys know their stuff. All of the episodes are quick listens (10 min or less) and focus on all things digital marketing. They talk about SEO, Facebook and Google ads, social media trends, and building email lists. If you don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to podcasts, this should be your #1.

Social Media Marketing Talk Show – This podcast is a gold mine of information on social media trends. If you’re in this business, you must be listening in. They discuss trends and insights and provide a ton of forecasting on the growth of specific platforms. Another topic they always cover is current social media platform updates and how to implement them into your current digital strategy.

The Science of Social Media by Buffer – This podcast is produced by the people behind Buffer, the social media scheduling tool. It’s another short 15-minute or so podcast that covers social media insights, experimentation, and inspiration. This one is my favorite for its tips & tricks.

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield – Amy’s podcast is centered around building an online business. She discusses building your email list, creating online courses and guides, and automating your business. While this one may not appeal to everyone because it’s pretty specific, she does give some great insight on scaling an online business.

Image result for perpetual traffic podcastPerpetual Traffic Podcast – This podcast has a heavy focus on paid traffic, scaling your business, and targeting the right audiences with ads. You’ll learn about email funnels, landing pages, Facebook ads, and blog traffic. I find myself skipping over about half of these if they don’t apply to my business, but every now and then there’s a gem that’s so worth subscribing.

Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner – Stelzner is also behind Social Media Examiner, and, like you’d imagine, his podcast focuses primarily on social media marketing. In addition to tips, the podcast includes interviews and success stories.

Image result for optimal business dailyOptimal Business Daily – When I say this one is quick, I’m not joking. Always 10 minutes or less. What I like about this one (besides it being super dosable), is that you get direct quotes from blog posts about entrepreneurship, side hustles, freelancing, and startups. Another great one for a short attention span.

Image result for How I Built This

How I Built This with Guy Raz – You don’t have to be a business owner to enjoy this one. This NPR podcast interviews the entrepreneurs behind some of the most successful companies. Some of my favorite episodes are Canva, Whole Foods, RXBar, Wayfair, and Clif Bar.

Image result for copybloggerCopyblogger – I do a ton of writing, so I enjoy this one more than most people would. They’re pretty quick episodes that focus on copywriting, email marketing, and content. If you want to learn how to make words work for you, here you go.

Honorable Mentions / Can’t Not Include These

If you want to feel like you just got your ass kicked by audio, these guys are for you. They’re loud, they’re aggressive, and they’re confident. Their egos are on absolute fire. They’re not for everyone, but they’re worth noting on this list.

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Gary Vaynerchuk – Gary Vee is such an industry leader that you should at least listen to some of his shows. In my honest opinion, he can be obnoxious and flat out annoying. He has great books though! I prefer reading his books much more.

Image result for The Cardone Zone

The Cardone Zone – This fella is probably the buffest 60-year old I’ve ever seen. He’s in the real estate business and loves to talk talk talk about it. What sets him apart from Gary Vee is that he’s so crazy it’s pretty amusing. I also like how proud he seems to be of his wife and children.

Ed Mylett Show – I first discovered Ed Mylett on one of my overall favorite podcasts, The Skinny Confidential. This man wants you to seize the freakin’ day. Sometimes he’s incredibly humble, sometimes he’s bragging about his jet. You just never know. But if you need instant motivation, have a listen.

It’s quite a list, isn’t it? I recommend subscribing to all the ones you think you’d enjoy and listen to a few different recent episodes. Then listen to some more as new ones come in. By then you’ll have a good idea of who you enjoy listening to, who you can actually tolerate, and who has the most tips relevant to your business.

Got any recs? Tell me your favorites below!