
My Work from Home Essentials

I’ve worked from home on and off over the years, but since I started my business I’ve spent the majority of my working hours at home. Working from home is not for everyone. It requires discipline, motivation, and a routine — at the very least. But setting yourself up for success can make a huge impact on your overall productivity. Now that many of us are working from home, I’ve heard from several friends that there’s been a huge adjustment going from an office scene to working from a home where they may or may not even have a desk. In today’s post I’m sharing a few things that I consider essentials for working at home and some other items that just make my work day a little easier. Let’s get it out of the way first that a desk is crucial and working from your couch or dining room table won’t cut it…but do what you gotta do.

Hot Water with Lemon – I start every day with either hot tea or warm water with lemon. I won’t go into any nutritional benefits because — to be honest — who knows if they’re true and that’s not what I’m here for. My reasoning for this is that 1) I don’t drink caffeine and 2) I find a warm beverage to be soothing but the lemon to be refreshing and awakening. I turn on this electric kettle before I take Marty for a walk, and by the time we’re back the water is ready and cooled down a bit.

A Cute Mug – For whatever reason, drinking out of a cute mug will easily put a smile on my face. I have this initial mug from Anthropologie and I also love this one.

Apple Airpods – Hear me out. (Ha pun intended.) I LOVE MY AIRPODS. I’ve had several people ask me “Are they worth it?” UM YES what are you waiting for??! Yes, the price tag is yikes, but just consider skipping a couple of dinners out or unnecessary clothing purchases and pick up a pair of these babies. When I say that I use them constantly, I am not exaggerating. Put it this way — I have the charger on the same table as my keys and Marty’s leash. As soon as I get up, I shower,  brush my teeth and put my Airpods in before a walk. Which leads me to…

Podcasts – I will do another blog post on this, but just know that I probably spend several hours a day listening to podcasts. When I’m walking, working out, cleaning, driving…all the time. And having Airpods in and being able to go about my daily life hands free = WIN!

Candles – I’ve had the same favorite candle for a while: Anthropologie’s Capri Blue. If you’ve ever been to the store, it’s the candle they’re always burning aka their signature scent. It’s amazing. BUT! I have a dupe for you. Bath & Body Works has a scent called Midnight Blue Citrus that is pretty darn similar if you ask me. Anthro’s may give off more of a scent, but they’re both awesome.

Fresh Flowers – Candles are great, but flowers give off a great scent and they’re nice to look at. I have a ton of plants in my house, but there’s something special about getting fresh flowers every week or so. I usually get white lilies (despite everyone saying they’re funeral flowers), hydrangeas, or sunflowers. And for the two weeks that they’re available here, LILACS!

Black Pens – I have a strong preference for black ink pens and I love these. I buy ’em by the box. May or may not have a subscription even though they last me a while. I keep several at my desk, one in my purse, one in my car, one in my bedside table drawer…you get the picture. The ink is smooth and I love them. That is all.

Legal Pads – My favorite thing to write on. I don’t use a planner and notebooks are a pain because I’m left handed. Legal pads have tons of lines (wow that sounds pathetic) but because they’re yellow, I feel like the writing stands out better. Plus, flipping over each page feels good. Sue me.

Wireless Mouse – I use a Macbook Pro, and while the trackpad is fine, I can move faster with a mouse. I also notice my wrist hurting from the trackpad, but not with this mouse. It’s on the smaller side but my hand fits comfortably and it’s easily stashed in my purse if I want to take it out.

Honestly this list could go on and on, but those things are what usually help me go about my day. But I’m always curious about other people’s setups and must-haves, so lemme know! Drop a comment below or send me a DM on IG. I’ll do another roundup soon! Until then, stay well my friends. 🙂

Digital Marketing Entrepreneurship FAQ – Your Questions Answered Part II

Since starting my company, I get a lot of questions on what running a business is like. I’m often asked how I got started, what it’s like working for myself, and how to balance it all. This is Part II of answering some frequently asked questions. This set came from reader and friend Aislinn. 🙂 See Part I here! Let’s go!

Q: What type/title position did you begin your career with? Did you have previous experience or did you learn more on the job? I know you began with Boston Burger Co. and read about your transition into your current business, but I’m more so interested in how you landed there and where the journey in marketing really began for you.

A: I always enjoy telling people that I have my Bachelor’s in Spanish. I had all intentions of entering a Master’s program for legal translation, but by the time I graduated my plans changed. I did use my degree for the first few years out of college, but as my interests and jobs changed, so did my career path. And meanwhile, I had started my healthy living blog which was a huge part of why I eventually took an interest in all things marketing. My initial job at Boston Burger Company was actually a hybrid sales & marketing role for their salsa brand, and while in that role, I convinced them to let me take over their social media. No one was really running it, and at the time, Instagram was becoming so huge that it was a waste not to be utilizing the platform. During this time, the team saw that my greatest strengths were on the marketing side, and I slowly took on more projects. Eventually they created the role of “Director of Marketing” which was the position I was in before I went out on my own. There are more answers to this here!

Q: On that same topic, how did you market yourself to positions? I find experience has been key, but for someone with limited experience, I’ve always felt capable and confident enough in myself that I could learn the things I needed to succeed after securing on job. Was there a certain way you highlighted your abilities to potential jobs that you think was key in getting you where you are?

A: At any job I’ve held, I’ve always been someone to ask for more projects and take on more responsibilities. I don’t like to be idle, so I was always eager to be doing something in addition to my usual work. A huge part of it is curiosity, but also expressing the willingness to learn, that people will recognize. As far as finding work for my current business, the vast majority of my projects have been word of mouth while a good chunk has been through, a fantastic resource for freelancers.

Q: What creative marketing skills do you find the most valuable and/or useful? Whether this be using an editing software, photography, writing, analytics, etc. In other words, what is something most worthwhile learning?

A: I think it depends on what kind of marketing role you’re in, but in my opinion, it’s the ability to write. We’ll never not have to use words to express ourselves, whether that’s in writing blog posts, sales copy, newsletters, advertisements, etc. Learn how to write, and learn how to write well. Best way to do that? READ more!!! Or be super dorky like me and actually buy books on grammar and vocabulary. 😉 

Q: What do you wish you had known before entering marketing?

A: There are times when I wish I had taken some marketing courses in college, but to be honest, I don’t think I even knew what marketing was until I was already doing it for my blog. To me, marketing is learning the psychology of how people work and what makes them interested in specific things. Learning how to pique someone’s interest and make them take a specific action is what you have to figure it out. 

Q: What are your best pro-tips to new marketers? This can be related to the job itself, life in general, or anything in between.

A: A BIG piece of advice — seeing as how I did not major in anything related to what I do now — is that YOU CAN LEARN SO MUCH ON THE INTERNET!!! All caps because it’s true!! I would never tell anyone not to go to college, but holy moly, between online courses, podcasts, webinars, YouTube, and blogs…it’s a gold mine of education.

Hope these answers helped some of you! Always feel free to send more my way! <3

Digital Marketing Entrepreneurship FAQ – Your Questions Answered Part I

Since starting my company, I get a lot of questions on what running a business is like. I’m often asked how I got started, what it’s like working for myself, and how to balance it all. One of my Instagram followers, Lexi, reached out with a few great questions so I thought I’d put them into a blog post. I have a few more from another reader that will come in Part I, but here are Lexi’s to start. Her questions are in bold and my answers are below.

Q: What is the best way to get started as a freelancer? Would you say that doing social media as an employee for a company, maybe even a startup, would be the first step?
A: Working for an agency or a startup can be your first step, but it doesn’t have to be. The beginning of my experience began when I started my food blog and was working with brands on an influencer level. (Read more here). But I know that not everyone starts that way. After having my blog for years and realizing I enjoyed digital marketing, I started learning everything I could through the internet, books, and podcasts. Eventually I started looking for a short-term contract position (side hustle) to make some extra money. My first side hustle was with OCHO Candy, a project I found through an agency here in Boston. After working with them for a year, I started taking on similar side hustles while working full-time. In short, you can either begin at a startup or marketing agency, or start looking for part-time/contract positions. And don’t forget, projects don’t have to be local! My first two social media projects were both food brands based out of California, and currently more than 50% of my work is outside of Massachusetts.Q: I like the benefits that come from working for someone else and the security that comes with it. But as someone who is also a bit free-spirited, I like the flexibility and the greater earning potential that can come from owning your own business. Would you say the benefits/cons of one definitely outweigh the other?
A: One huge thing you have to keep in mind is that there is no cap on income when you work for yourself. Sure, getting a paycheck twice a month from a company is secure, but it is always set. And for someone who’s been laid off twice (that recession was crazy), you can’t guarantee anything just because you have a full-time job. In addition, there can be limits on how much you grow within a company and the salary that you’ll earn. Working for yourself, you can make as little or as much as you want, depending on the effort you put into it. I 100% think working for myself has been worth it. Keep in mind, that with the flexibility and freedom of self-employment comes the need to be super focused, diligent, and extremely motivated.Q: Work/life balance? I’m not one of those people willing to consistently spend 80 hours a week, with no sleep, no real off time or vacations, just to make a little more money. I’m fine doing it for a time while getting the business going, but I know people who seem to be absolutely married to their work and I don’t want that. Would you say that not always being glued to a laptop, and actually being able to step completely away from time to time is achievable with owning your own social media marketing business? 
A: Plain and simple, you will need to work hard, no matter what stage you’re in. Growing requires effort, grit, and tenacity. You will be married to your work if you want your business to succeed. In fact, I’m a firm believer that if you’re not obsessed with your business, you’re not in the right one. But that doesn’t mean you’ll work 80 hours and get no sleep. It can take time to figure out the balance of how many projects you need to take on to make enough money, but also not too many to be overwhelmed and sacrifice what’s important to you. Work/life balance is 100% achievable and will take time to figure out. It’s a wild ride in the beginning, but so so worth it.

Q: Digital marketing certificates: Are they worth it? 
A: Possibly. It’s hard for me to say because the only courses I took were a couple Hubspot certifications. And those will not teach you what you need to know, they are merely supplements. While I have learned almost everything on my own (the internet is a gold mine!), certificates certainly can help. As far as college courses, they may be a good bet! I didn’t take a single marketing class in college, so don’t let not having a marketing background discourage you.

Q: I saw on your website where you said that you were earning six figures in six months, but for someone starting from the ground up, about how long do you think it would take to start earning a reasonable income? 

A: This totally depends on your experience, your skills, and what you charge. I’m also in my 30s and had I started right out of college, I’m sure the money would look a bit different. Just like any job, more experience not only helps you get your foot in the door, but it gives you the background to excel and be able to charge more. Your skills and the services you offer are a huge factor in earning the income you want. For example, the rates as a photographer, a videographer, a copywriter, etc are very different. It also depends on the industries you’re in and the clients you take on. Examples: A single-unit restaurant will not have the same budget as a multi-unit business with a dedicated marketing budget. And work as a photographer or social media marketer will have very different rates than an SEO specialist, a web designer, and so on. My advice here: learn as much as you can so you can have a variety of services to offer.

As always, if you have questions of your own, feel free to drop them in the comments below or shoot me an email. Perhaps we’ll have a Part III!

Entrepreneur vs. Employee: The Pros & Cons of Each Role

Entrepreneur vs. Employee: The Pros & Cons of Each Role

Before I started my company, I went over the pros and cons of leaving my full-time role to become an entrepreneur. I had always had at least one side hustle (sometimes multiple) and knew that I was fully capable of something bigger. My end goal was to combine all of my current clients and side hustles to be enough to take the leap. Having been on both sides, there are some major pros and cons to both being an employee or an entrepreneur. First I’ll go over a few things, then I’ll get into specifics about my own business and life. 

Amount of Hours Worked

Employee: As an employee, your full-time job probably consists of around 40 hours a week. You go in, keep busy for 8 or so hours, and go home. You may be limited in the specific daily schedule you commit to work, ie 9-5 and your schedule is often set by your employer. On the flip side, having a structured schedule each week gives you a good idea of what’s ahead.

Entrepreneur: When you first start your business, you may put in 60-80 hours per week. But once you establish yourself and/or outsource tasks, you can greatly reduce the amount of hours you work. In addition, you may be able to greatly replace the income from a day job in less than 40 hours by charging a higher rate as a contractor. It all depends on how much you want to work and meeting your own needs. 

Work/Life Balance

Employee: Typically as an employee, once you’re done with work you can clock out and go home. And often times you can forget about work completely once you’re out of the office. While this isn’t always the case, it’s easier to create a good work/life balance in a structured role.

Entrepreneur: It can be really difficult to get out of work mode, especially if you work from home. You’re always near your phone or computer, making it super tempting to check on things. But, as I mentioned above, you may get to work less hours than an employee and therefore get more free time with family and friends.

Work Stress

Employee: As an employee, my stress level was always pretty low. I knew what was expected of me, I knew when I could go above and beyond, and I knew how to keep my bosses happy. I didn’t worry about the daily operations of the business, but instead, fulfilling my own role. 

Entrepreneur: When you first start out, you may be a one woman show. It can take time to build a team and adjust to outsourcing income. Projects can fluctuate and you always need to be working on multiple streams of income. You also wear many hats. You don’t just provide a product or service — you market, network, find suitable employees, and act as your own accountant. However, the direction of your business is all up to you.


Employee: Your income is usually limited, unless you work on a bonus structure. You put in hours, and in return, get a paycheck for the same amount each week. You can move up the chain, but eventually your income is capped. On the plus side, you know those paychecks are coming and you don’t have to chase anyone down for your money.

Entrepreneur: The possibilities are endless. The money you bring in and the rate your business grows is all up to you. The sky really is the limit here. Lose the fear of not getting a paycheck and instead think about the multiple streams of income that will bring you so much more. 

General Work Life

Employee: As an employee, you have bosses (sometimes multiple) and coworkers. Often times you are put on projects with coworkers that you may or may not like. This may be a struggle for someone who prefers to work on their own. On top of that, many employees put in their time and go home, especially if the extra mile isn’t going to get them anywhere.

Entrepreneur: It’s all up to you to earn your income. Nobody is going to earn it for you. It can be such a hustle in the beginning, and you may have a tough time balancing projects, taking on only what you can handle, but also fearing you may not grow if you don’t take on more. 

My Honest Experience

Amount of Hours Worked: My first couple of months, I worked a ton. I had a couple big projects but was hustling to find lots of little projects to fill those voids and grow. During the summer, business slowed down. I got nervous! I remember telling my former boss and he assured me things always pick back up around September. And boy, did it pick up. 

Work/Life Balance: I often struggle with this, especially given that I’m in the world of social media — which is 24/7. It’s so easy for me to open my laptop or grab my phone to see what I might be missing. Then I end up getting roped right back into something. I also really like to complete things, so I have a hard time putting my laptop away until I feel like something is finished. During the first couple months, I made sure to give myself a little time each day to completely unplug and not think or talk about work. It wasn’t easy. Eventually, around the six month mark, I made sure I had one day a week to mostly put work away. Now this isn’t to say I was working 90 hours a week; I just struggled with time blocking. After the first year, I really learned how to work in increments so that I wasn’t working all day long.

Work Stress: As I mentioned, the “stress” in the beginning was making sure I had enough of an income flow to make up for the full-time job that I had left. However, the general work stress greatly reduced as I was really focusing on the industries I loved and the type of work I enjoyed most. Being my own boss is also a huge part of why I know this was the best decision.

Money: One of my biggest concerns about leaving my full-time job was not getting a paycheck every 2 weeks. Looking back, this seems so silly. My former boss convinced me that I was basically already at the top where I could be in the company and that I could be making so much more working for myself. When I say the opportunities are endless, I mean it. Within 6 months of starting my business, my income surpassed the six-figure mark. A couple months after that, my income had actually doubled from when I was an employee and that’s where I am today.

General Work Life: This was, by far, the best decision I’ve made career wise. I loved what I did in my full-time role, but I really love what I do now. I choose which projects I want to work on, I pick which clients I want to work with, I decide how much or how little I want to work. There are certainly times where I ponder taking on a bunch more clients and hiring a team, but I truly love being a one-woman show. Never fear that you can’t grow as a single-owner business. Do what you love, and outsource the rest.

Take the risk, make the leap, and figure it all out as it comes. Enjoy the whole process.

Six Skills Social Media Marketers Need to be Successful

A common misconception about those who manage social media is that it’s just a matter of slapping up a photo with a caption. When done right, social media is so much more. I can’t tell you how many times I get asked “Oh so you take photos for Instagram?” Well, yes. Technically I do. But the bigger umbrella of digital marketing requires more skills than that. In order to be a successful social media manager, there are a few tasks you must master. 

Keep in mind, I didn’t go to school for this. Heck, I didn’t even take a single marketing class in college. My major was Spanish! Some of this I was already skilled at, and some I learned along the way. It truly goes to show that you can often create your own path with determination and hard work.

  1. Copywriting – First, let’s define copywriting. Simply put, copywriting is the craft of arranging words to make things sell better. Think of it as the text version of salesmanship. It’s about writing copy that is compelling, engaging, valuable, and helpful. Copywriters work on marketing materials like websites, emails, brochures, catalogs, menus, and of course, social media content. In the social media world, copywriting is essential for not only creating social media captions, but also ads, email campaigns, blogs, and more. Captivating copywriting will do at least one of the following: define the product or service, focus on the benefits of the product, provide a solution, contain strong action verbs, give a sense of urgency, or include a strong call-to-action (CTA). 
  2. Customer Service – Social media has given us this huge opportunity to provide great customer service to current and potential customers. This skill requires someone to be empathetic, solve problems, and provide solutions and answers. Customer service on social media can include responding to feedback, answering questions in a timely manner, and — most importantly — facilitating engagement. This part of social media can be a 24/7 job, so having a pulse on all activity is crucial.
  3. Design – Here we have an essential skill to pair with copywriting. The art of designing both still images and videos is essential for social media work. But fear not — you don’t need a graphic design background to be able to design. At this day and age, there are plenty of tools to help you create eye-catching content. Some of my favorites are Canva and PicMonkey for images and Animoto for videos.
  4. Public Speaking – Not all social media work is done behind the computer. It’s a very common misconception that we all hide behind our laptops. I would strongly urge any social media manager to get comfortable being on camera. IG Stories and FB Live can be a great way to showcase your own knowledge and attract potential clients. If you are doing social media for your own company, sharing your passion for your product or service is an incredible way to customers to see what makes your company so special. And to really stand out as a social media manager, I urge you to be able to give presentations or host workshops. This will set you apart from other marketers and will allow you to make connections with others in your industry. 
  5. Strategy Planning – A critical aspect of social media management is understanding the strategy behind everything you post. You’ll need to consider the business goals in order to create effective campaigns. A huge mistake I see brands making is throwing up content just to have something up. Know the why behind your content. Understand the big picture and how all this content works together. Consider outlining goals, defining your target audience, and determining which platforms will help you scale your efforts. 
  6. Analytics – Knowing how to measure the impact of your marketing initiatives is extremely important. It’s just as much science as it is an art. You will assess business metrics, website traffic, leads, conversion rates, engagement, likes and comments, and overall reach. This will help achieve business goals and allow you to attribute a post’s reach to said goals.

Remember, not all of these skills are required to have a career in social media marketing. I recommend being a master of at least a few of these to get your career rolling. Above all, passion and a true interest in the work will get you just as far. Feel free to reach out with any questions by leaving a comment below! 

What skills do you think are required for a career in social media marketing?